Own your life
Create your future

Hello and welcome! My name is Inese, and I am looking forward to meeting You!

I help women to unfold the potential and create a more fulfilling life, where success, harmony and wellbeing coexist. I can create a safe space for You and meet You with empathy and understanding and together we can examine what is blocking you from following your motivation to create a more fulfilling life.

I work with:

Young women studying or in first employment

If you struggle with perfectionism, fulfilling many obligations, and living up too many expectations, I can help you to use your strengths in a balanced way, set the priorities straight, minimize stress and gain skills in setting boundaries.

Carrier- oriented women juggling different roles

If you push yourself too hard to prove to yourself and others your worthiness, while you constantly have doubts about your accomplishments, I can help you to tackle the imposter syndrome, release limiting beliefs, and create a successful career and harmonious private life.

Women with international background

If you are seeking to increase your impact, and you wish to thrive and build a satisfying life in a new country, I can help you to find your motivation for your professional growth and emotional wellbeing.


I can help You to:

Inese er indbegrebet af professionalisme og høj faglighed, kombineret med følsomt nærvær og dybde. Når man er sammen med Inese, er man tryg og føler sig altid godt tilpas. Jeg kan virkelig anbefale dig, der har lyst og mod til at arbejde med dig selv, trygt at lade dig coache af Inese.

- Thine Pedersen, Kranio-sakral terapeut & Healer

Inese er lyttende og intuitiv, og fordi hun så modigt og utrætteligt har gået vejen selv, er hun oplagt som mentor og coach for andre kvinder, der heller ikke vil lade sig nøjes med det middelmådige, men ønsker storhed for sig selv og andre. Jeg giver Inese mine varmeste anbefalinger.

- Kirstina Tranberg, psykoterapeut

I have found Inese a very warm and kind person. Indeed, I felt her very committed to the person she was helping. What was very appreciable is her ability to switch from one language to another, and so, to be very flexible in her way of coaching people.

- Mathieu, student

I’ve known Inese for many years and have watched how she has grown in getting to understand herself on the deepest of emotional and spiritual levels. She has developed the ability to show deep empathy and care in all that she does and goes out of her way to show that she is considerate and caring. She is not afraid to go to the deep hard places and grow from it. I wouldn’t hesitate to talk with her about anything.

- Wayne L, healer

For mig var det første gang lidt grænseoverskridende at skulle til en coach, men Inese er en meget hjertevarm person og gjorde det rigtig nemt for mig at åbne op. Vi havde en rigtig god samtale, og Inese fandt hurtigt ind til nogle af de centrale ting, som jeg bøvler med i hverdagen. Inese er et åbent og empatisk menneske, hvilket gjorde det til en rigtig god oplevelse lige fra start. Store anbefalinger fra mig.

- Anna, student

I am a multilingual coach and I provide sessions in English, Danish, French, Latvian and Russian. The sessions can be conducted online, as a “walk and talk” session and at the clinic.

To learn more – read here or book a 30-min introduction session for free!

Contact me for a session booking via info@beyoumindfulcoaching.dk or phone: + 45 29 74 39 60


I also work with organisations and offer:


For more information, please see under Other services.